F-Zero GX Story Mode - Max Speed - Normal - Chapter 3

Times in green were updated in the last week.

Times in grey have not been updated in over a month.

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Very Hard
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Add your times

Player Course time Best lap
1. CGN 1'04"586
24\"663 + 20\"575 + 19\"348
2. superSANIC 1'05"736
25\"324 - 20\"067 - 20\"345
3. Daniel 1'08"967
4. Zeroken 1'09"547
5. dimi 1'11"480
6. STIFF 1'11"811
7. Mengsk 1'12"170
8. squirmy 1'12"472
9. kanata 1'12"491
10. JkLoser 1'12"514
11. iowa 1'13"123
12. AKC12 1'13"554
13. Radekore 1'13"664
14. Ryuuji 1'13"964
15. FSF Returns 1'14"625
16. E_Dragon 1'14"810
17. Baphy 1'14"813
Not bad
18. Valyssa 1'16"341
19. Hulmy 1'16"421
20. Falco 1'17"008
21. Naegleria 1'17"869
22. Cpt.JJ 1'18"240
23. zewing 1'19"474
24. JesusBR 1'19"949
25. FAI 1'20"035
26. Uchiha Madao 1'21"248
27. thevorace 1'21"690
Max Speed No MTS/MTRS/EdgeSB/SA
28. mtthew 1'22"120
29. FoREVer4258 1'22"184
30. RustyCucumber 1'22"355
31. StarkNebula 1'22"907
32. Rmac524 1'23"185
33. adel 1'23"490
34. Drakodan 1'24"375
35. Oval 1'24"638
36. Elite Spud 1'24"755
37. Taechuk 1'24"918
38. FataliT 1'25"498
39. Insignia 1'26"233
40. RoadRunner 1'26"370
41. highwatermark 1'27"334
42. Expelsword 1'27"393
43. Rood 1'27"707
44. NewCaptainFalcon 1'28"589
45. aleroh 1'28"885
46. astro 1'28"967
47. Mandalore 1'29"238
48. JD93 1'29"633
49. Sekanor 1'29"719
50. ReddoGX 1'29"951
51. mickaelgirard 1'30"501
52. GiroG 1'30"504
00'35'287,00'27'543, don't know the last one
53. Domdoughty 1'30"902
34''192 + 28''703 + 28''703
54. PhDieter 1'31"850
55. KyllerHunter 1'31"956
56. Neto 1'32"127
57. SilenceErupts 1'32"196
58. MetalYoshi 1'32"415
59. gavme 1'32"782
60. Nappino 1'33"978
61. RichardTaro 1'34"189
62. PyrenZero 1'34"948
63. spotnick99 1'35"232
64. White0ut 1'35"413
65. houndogz 1'35"571
66. CycloneJoker 1'35"901
67. Tedbear24 1'36"359
68. rog3r20 1'36"723
69. vegan 1'36"827
70. Jacob91 1'37"100
71. snubnose 1'37"643
72. BigHossByGosh 1'38"062
73. x_loto 1'38"111
74. Olshi 1'39"993
75. Ferris Beuller 2'00"000